Why Homeopathy Is Nonsense.
Let me ask you a simple question. If I had some orange juice and I added more water to it. What would happen to the flavor? Of course, there is only one possible answer. The flavor would get weaker. That's what adding water does. Water is a solvent after all.
I don't think you would find a single person anywhere on Earth who would argue with this statement. But yet there are many people out there who will happily trust a homeopath and who will take homeopathic "medicine".
Homeopathy is perhaps the poster child for pseudoscience.
The basis of homeopathy is that if a person who is healthy takes a drug. The symptoms of the illness that the drug cures will be produced in that person. While a person who has an illness will be cured by that drug.
As these drugs cause undesired reactions they should be diluted down to safe levels. So that no adverse reaction is observed in the patient. This...